Thursday, March 26, 2009

ATTN: look after your coffee machines

Starbucks is a little coffee chain which originated within dogsled distance from Canada in the Northwestern United States. Some people have toyed with controversial terms such as "cult-like following" and "home away from home". This very tiny, unpopular coffee pourer made a lot of people very rich, very quickly when its stock price like totally went up a lot. Now I am no scientist, heck, I can barely make scrambled eggs, but I still think it is kind of ironic that they have been slowing making alot of people a little less wealthy, one coffee at a time...

I'll just have a coffee thanks.

So what?! it is only a coffee???? - common words for rookie coffee drinkers. I am very sry to blog that we lost a good friend on the weekend. She never complained, always cleaned up after herself and never judged us when we raided the kitchen for a midnight snack. It has been a very hard 3 days, but after a lovely afternoon at Capitalism's greatest creation, we are pleased to announce a new addition to our family.

Strength and honor.

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