Monday, April 20, 2009

Dear Vegetable Gods

Canada is known for exporting ridiculously good hockey players and maple syrup, Sweden has its meatballs and chic furniture , the Mongols were know for their culture blending and archery skillz, the Toronto Maple Leafs are known for their inability to make the playoffs, Starbucks has its Caramel Macchiato and oat fudge bars...

I am gonna be a radical and say...

"Central" and Eastern European countries are not known for their "colorful" diet and legume friendly recipes.

This drastic realization came to an Everest-like peak when Mike and I stopped by the Slovak Pub, Bratislava for some hearty Slovakian specialties... before this day I knew that I kinda knew about knowing the knowledge of a new found niche with non-existent nutrition - yet I decided to practice my appeasement skills and give way to my id, ego and superego.

Food is a lot like movies, neither of which should be enjoyed in shades of black and white.

Please forgive me, I will do better - now I am sitting with kleenexs stuffed up my nose and a large mug of honey tea as I feel the wrath of the Vegetable Gods.

1 comment:

  1. I fully understand what you are saying. During my visit to Budapest, I made many observations that the items on menus in restaurants were great for carnivores. As for the herbivores, ketchup is as close as they may come to fruits and/or vegetables!
