Monday, May 18, 2009

A brief commentary on the academics of exchange

5 Classes out of the way - five marks above 80. I almost feel bad about how little work was required to achieve this. Good thing I left my easy-button at home.

Here's a brief rundown:
Presentation skills - Gave a 10 minute presentation on Somolian pirates, which essentially paraphrased a wikipedia article. Half of the rest of the class gave a tourism slideshow of their home country in broken english.
Social Choice/Fair Division - Wrote two 45 minute midterms - the second of which was open book and consisted of mostly DEFINITION type questions.
Environmental Technology - got a 94.6% overall, despite being intentionally vague on half of the questions on the final (discussing made up examples of technologies I understood but didn't know the details about). I left that exam worried I wouldn't get the 70 required to skip the oral exam.
International Finance - Left the 20 question multiple choice exam on second year (1st semester) definitions after 15 of the alloted 90 minutes. That and we got 96% on a paper that was written shoddily in 3 seperate parts (to this date I have not read Tristan or Rock's contribution to this A+ paper).
Human and Political Geography - 5 minute oral exam discussing "why people write graffiti on walls"

Great news for me, huh?

Well now karma is kicking me in the ass. On Thursday I'm preparing to write a masters level game theory exam which I actually SHOULD struggle to pass ... I mean, can YOU make any sense out of this equation?

mρσ(vρ)ρσ(i) = vρ({ρσ(1), . . . , ρσ(i)} − vρ({ρσ(1), . . . , ρσ(i − 1)})
= v({σ(1), . . . , σ(i)}) − v({σ(1), . . . , σ(i − 1)})
= (mσ(v))σ(i) = (ρ∗(mσ(v)))ρσ(i) .

... and that's one without the ridiculous sum functions in it.

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