Saturday, February 14, 2009

Its business... its business ti-ime

Im in my business socks. Because its business time. You know what that means....

Forget it.

You don't want to read this blog post.

It isn't interesting and it won't improve or enhance your life in anyway.

Turn away now.

Go to and buy yourself a brand new harmonica. Grow a sly French moustache and soul patch. Enjoy Knob Creek Kentucky bourbon. Eat another Diavolo pizza from Pizza Marzano. Enter a cathedral and marvel at the architectural intricacies. Experience a period of self-doubt and self-actualization simultaneously. Phone a new friend. Wake up to an American named Mike playing his ukulele and harmonica in your living room. Purchase the least expensive drink at a bar and be pleasantly surprised by the flavour of St. Hubertos. Watch Leonard Bernstein at Harvard But do not, under any circumstance read this blog post.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry...too late. Read it. Laughed. Laughed again. Which means, surprise surprise, it was worth the minute I spent reading it. Thanks Mike...this is written by a friend of Rock's, but I enjoy what everyone writes in this blog.
